January 02, 2023 2 min read

No One Likes Conflict, But Having the Skills to Resolve a Disagreement is An Invaluable Life Skill for Anyone

One of the many benefits that attract parents to enroll their children in Martial Arts class is the gaining of self-defense skills. Parents enjoy peace-of-mind knowing their child has gained the skills necessary to physically protect themselves in the unfortunate event it becomes necessary.

Our children’s program absolutely provides self-defense skills, however, we also work with students on conflict-avoidance and resolution so that a physical altercation can be avoided. One of the fundamentals of martial arts is self-control and extreme awareness of your physical capabilities. “With great power comes great responsibility,” is not just a popular phrase. In martial arts, the truth of the matter is, the skills gained can be dangerous in a physical altercation and should only be used when absolutely necessary.

Teaching Kids to Control Aggression While Standing Up for Themselves

Conflicts are a normal part of life. From disagreements with friends during a game to dealing with a bully at school, your children will face conflict regularly. While no one can avoid conflict entirely, we teach our students how to control their reaction, both inward emotions and outward action, to various conflicts in life.

Kung Fu has deep roots in peace and harmony, having the self-discipline and compassion to face a conflict in a constructive and positive manner is important for conflict avoidance.

Martial Arts classes help bring children to center.

For children who are challenged by issues of anger and aggression, we help them improve their compassion for others and control their anger. Controlling their underlying emotions effectively lowers the frequency of their aggression. Hurt people, hurt people. When we can help a student deal with emotions effectively, we can prevent them from lashing out at others.

For children who lack the confidence to stick up for themselves, we raise them up by infusing them with self-worth and self-respect, so they have the backbone to rise up over their fear and self-doubt to stick up for what is fair and right.

All of our students begin to understand the importance of showing compassion, respect, and patience during a disagreement so that a mutual resolution can more easily be reached. When one participant in a conflict remains calm, it often diffuses the other rather quickly for a peaceful resolution.

Bully Prevention

Bullies use their power (size, strength, popularity or knowledge) to hurt others. Bullying is a repetitive action using that power over someone else. When children have confidence, take a stand, stay calm, and diffuse the power the bully perceives to have over them, bullying can be thwarted.

Stopbullying cites that since every bully is so different there has not yet been a single proven method for bully prevention, but we have seen for ourselves how giving a child conflict resolution skills can help thwart it.

If you’re interested in a full character development program that teaches conflict avoidance, anger management and is also FUN, we urge you to consider our children’s martial arts program. We offer a free semi-private class, so you and your child can check us out. Call today to schedule your free class!

Owings Mills: (443) 394-9222

Marriottsville: (443) 545-5566