January 02, 2023 3 min read

If we had to pick a single character trait that is the capstone to every other aspect of becoming a successful martial artist and an all-around good person, respect would be our choice.

Children are taught to be respectful and show respect in Kids’ Martial Arts Class

All the best martial arts schools promote a variety of positive principles, both philosophically and with activities during class and in the studio. From self-discipline and courtesy to hard work and perseverance, martial arts culture in and of itself promotes positive behaviors. When it comes to children’s martial arts, building the expectation and habit of respecting others and oneself is an important key from which all other positive character traits are built.

At the U.S. Kuo Shu Academy, we teach our students what respect is, what it looks like, and how it is displayed with respectful actions from the very first lesson.

How Does Kid’s Martial Arts Class Develop Respect for Others?

The culture within the U.S. Kuo Shu Academy is courteous, kind, and respectful. With a children’s program, it starts with how the children address their instructor. Using formal terms to display respect such as “Master” or “Shi Fu” your child will be encouraged and reminded to use the proper titles when they address their seniors.

Martial Arts students respect each other too.

Children’s martial arts students will be taught traditional methods of showing respect to their training space, their masters, and to Kung Fu itself. Dojo etiquette such as bowing before entering and when exiting will start from day one. The behavior will be modeled by everyone in the school, from the most senior instructors to the newest students or staff.

When new students join the class, children will be guided to treat the new children who are their junior in martial arts knowledge and practice with the same respect they were shown when they arrived for their first classes. Students of martial arts are taught all-around respect that expands out to their community, teachers, parents, and the world-at-large.

How Does Children’s Martial Arts Class Instill Self-Respect?

Modeling expectations for children to show respect for others is quite straight forward. The traditions and etiquette are easy to teach and transform into a habit with the goal of use for earning sash promotions and during competition. However, encouraging children to respect themselves is a longer process. Still exhibited through example, gaining respect for oneself is accomplished through steady hard work and pride in one’s accomplishment.

We start by teaching children how to respect their bodies and their minds by making healthy choices and staying active. As children progress through the program they learn through their perseverance and hard work just what they are capable of and from that, they gain and sense of pride, self-worth, self-confidence, and self-respect.

Living and exhibiting the philosophy of Tien Shan Pai of “virtue, wisdom, humility, martial arts” is expected of all our students both inside and outside of the studio. Our culture of mutual respect is how children grow to embody these character traits as they are developing their life-long perceptions, attitudes, and values about the world they live in and the adult they will become.

We are proud to send our students out into the world as citizens with strong leadership skills as they demonstrate and earn respect for everyone in their community and around the world. The skills acquired in martial arts will carry them through their higher education, personal life, and careers with increased odds for success and happiness.

If you’re interested in a full character development program that is a fun extracurricular activity, we urge you to consider our children’s martial arts program. We offer a free semi-private class so you and your child can check us out. Call today to schedule your free class!

Owings Mills: (443) 606-8557

Marriottsville: (443) 329-8715