January 02, 2023 2 min read

How to best keep kid athletes active outside of sports

Many kids engage in sports to stay active and have fun, but some kids are kid athletes taking sports – or particularly team sports – more seriously.

Regardless of which it is for your child, you might face confusion when your child’s winter sports get canceled, postponed, or is in an offseason. How do you keep your child active and in shape for their sports during this time? Martial arts!

Now, it’s understandable if you wonder how possible it is to fit in martial arts with playing team sports. We can tell you it’s perfectly fine and possible to use martial arts as workouts for kid athletes because of these benefits and facts below.


Martial arts is not a sport

It might surprise you, but it’s true. Martial arts is not a sport. It’s a practice that is a lifestyle. Martial arts help children stay active because it is physical, but other vital parts of our training involve mental, health, and life benefits. We teach values that apply to life, school, home, and even social interaction. We teach children self-care, discipline, control, and more thorough martial arts, which make it easy to incorporate the practice as a lifestyle outside sports.

It complements sports for kid athletes

Martial arts easily serves as a great full-body workout for kid athletes. It helps to build muscle, improve strength, and provide much needed physical exercise all season. These workouts do more than keep your child in shape physically with benefits such as better endurance, mental discipline, self-confidence, balance, teamwork, health benefits, and developed skills.

Benefits like this are important for kid athletes to do well individually and interact with other kids on their team. Martial arts helps your child build confidence to believe in their capabilities and avoid bullying or peer pressure. Endurance, strength, balance are other qualities that can make your child stand out, learn faster, and even be on to a promising athletic career.

Martial arts training can also help avoid injuries or other health conditions common with athletic kids. It helps you enjoy peace of mind when your child engages in the sports they love.

By practicing martial arts, even when sports are off-season for your child, your child can stay ready and do better when the season is on again. They won’t be rusty, confused, or take time to adapt.

Martial arts is flexible

We have mentioned that martial arts are always on season but it can be more flexible than that. Virtual or in-person martial arts classes are great options available for complete workouts for kid athletes. This helps you find what works for you and your child while saving time and stress.

Extra reasons to use martial arts as workouts for kid athletes include improved concentration, knowledge for self-defense, better coordination for motor skills, a retentive memory, and respect for others.

These can help your children do well in school and at home alongside their sports. To enjoy these advantages of martial arts for your child, you can get started with our classes.


Owings Mills: (443) 394-9222

Marriottsville: (443) 545-5566